Cash and checks through the traditional church envelope system can be given during the offering time of the Sunday mirning worship service, mailed, delivered to the church office during normal hours, or placed in the DROP-BOX under the Activities Building breezeway.
Electronic and mobile
Online Bill Pay from Your Financial Institution
This is quicker and easier than writing paper checks. You may schedule one-time or recurring gifts. You may send gifts through bill pay when away from Winfield or unable to attend on a Sunday. Bill pay is usually free of monthly service fees. Enrollment and set up is easy online with your bank by providing the church name and address: P.O. Box 237. You can use the memo line on bill pay to designate gifts to the General Fund, Building Fund, or other and note the individual amounts of the total gift. The church will receive the funds through the mail from your bank and record your gifts as normal.
WFBC website:
You can give electronically through the church website by accessing the link to Paypal as a registered or guest user. The church will receive the funds through its Paypal account and record your gifts as normal. The church does not store the personal financial information. You may use the memo line to designate gifts to the General Fund, Building Fund, or other and note the individual amounts of the total gift.
First Baptist Church of Winfield acknowledges the convenience associated with the use of debit and credit cards. Therefore, we provide this option as an alternative method for contributing to First Baptist Church, but trust and encourage you to be a good steward of the Lord's resources and never incur debt to give to the church.