
Coming Events

Spring Valley Beach Water Park
Our Youth and Kids will head to Spring Valley Beach Water Park on July 10. Sign up here!
S.I.N.G.S. Gathering
Our July SINGS gathering will be on Wednesday, July 10, at Cedar Landing. Make sure you join us!
MCBA Mission Trip
The Marion County Baptist Association’s annual mission trip is coming up. All Marion County Baptists are invited to attend. The trip will be July 14-19 in Brantley, Alabama. One team will hang sheetrock in Mt. Zion Baptist Church’s new sanctuary and another team will be providing backyard Bible clubs to area children. Anyone planning on going on the mission trip is asked to attend three planning meetings at the associational office on May 20, June 17, and July 8 at 7 pm. For more information on the trip, click here to read this month’s Marion County Baptist Association newsletter. 
WMU Meeting
The Woman's Missionary Union (WMU) will meet on July 29 at 6:30 pm in the Fellowship Mall. We will have a special speaker for this meeting.
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
We want to say "thank you" to all of our volunteers at WFBC. If you serve in one of the ministries at the church, we invite you to join us for dinner on Wednesday, July 31, at 6 pm. Make sure you sign up here so we know you're coming!