Worship with Us!

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A Word from Our Pastor

Thank you for visiting our website! We hope our site will help you learn more about our faith family here at WFBC. Our church exists to make fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.

We are here to serve the Lord and serve our community. We’d love for you to be one of our guests on campus for one of our corporate gatherings.

Please look around our site. Hopefully you will find areas of ministry connecting with you and your family. If you come for a visit please stop by our welcome center, we have a special gift for you.

I look forward to meeting you!

A Word from Our Pastor
Coming Events
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Coming Events

VBS is right around the corner! Make sure your kids join us June 10-14 for Vacation Bible School-“Breaker “Rock Beach!” During VBS, your children will learn that Jesus Christ is the Solid Rock on which they can place their faith and depend. VBS is for children entering kindergarten (must be five years old by September 2, 2024) through 6th grade. Click here to sign up your child. This year, VBS will take place from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. We are hoping that some of our members who work will be able to volunteer. Click here to sign up to volunteer!